Rules & Regulations
- Instruct and assist your child to reach the school on time, i.e., before the first bell, which is at 8. 45 a.m. and to leave the school after the long bell at 4.00 p.m. The school is not responsible for the unforeseen events that occur after the specified time.
- Attend the Parent – Teacher Meet regularly to know about the progress and discipline of the child.
- Attendance is compulsory on the first and last working day of each Term/Academic year.
- No one should be absent by himself / herself without prior information except under unforeseen circumstances.
- In such cases, the reason for taking leave should be informed to the school office before 9.00 a.m.
- If a student who is absent more than three days on account of illness, he / she must produce a medical certificate.
- The students should not be sent to school if they have any infectious diseases like flu, mumps, infective hepatitis, severe cold, typhoid etc.,
- Meeting the teachers during the class hours is strictly not allowed.
- Taking leave on special days and National days will be very seriously viewed.Parents are advised not to plan any outings, functions, pilgrimages etc., during these days.
- If any holiday is declared by the Government of Tamilnadu due to weather conditions or other unforeseen circumstances, please follow the instructions given on TV and in the Newspaper and the circulars sent from school.
- Leave taking between school hours for personal reasons is not allowed unless it is an emergency and necessary.
- The handbook must be brought to school every day and the ID cards should be worn regularly to school.
- Check the handbook daily for homework, special notices, circulars and remarks made by teachers. It should be seen and countersigned regularly.
- Homework assigned to the pupil should be done regularly by taking down the work assigned in their handbook. The same will be intimated through UOLO App.
- Children are expected to keep their handbook, text books and note books neatly covered and to take care of their belongings.
- Any communication, report or complaint of the parents/guardians, should be addressed to the Principal. They should not deal with the teachers directly regarding the same.
- Any attestation, fees certificate, bonafide certificate (if needed from school office) will be issued only after three days from the date of submission of the application.
- Children, who indulge in copying, help others in copying and resort to other malpractices related to copying or forgery etc., will be issued TC at once.
- Students damaging/defacing school property will be fined.
- Students are not allowed to bring / wear any valuable items to school. The school will not take any responsibility for the loss of the same.